Sunday, 11 May 2014


Hi to everyone!!! Hope all of you are doing really well.
At the minute I am in Catalonia visiting my family so maybe that is the reason why I haven't been here for a while.
But the weather here is treating us so well the sunny and warm days doesn't help to sit in front of the laptop so....

But besides our holidays and the nice weather, today I would like to write about motherhood. 
I became a mom the 26th of March 2012 when my little fairy was born. Never before I felt so blessed neither felt the unconditional love as I did at that moment in time.

My little fairy just after being born

As I said I felt blessed.... but I felt scared to death at the same time.
My god!! just the thought of having the whole responsability of another human being's life in my hands.... how to do it?? 
I remember looking at that little baby and loving her with all my heart and beyond words.
And it was at that right moment that I knew that the only thing I needed was trust my instincts, so I decided to be a peaceful mom just following my heart.

I decided that I was gonna nurse her on demand and as long as I could and in fact she is two years old now and still nursing twice a day.

So yes, we breastfeed, co-sleep, we try to always speak very peacefully (that one with a toddler is not the easiest one) and we let her be herself the most of the time. All together we could call it attachment parenting, but what I think or feel is that this is just following the more raw instincts, not listening all the advertising about how to be the best parent or not doing everything that everybody tells you to do.

Two years has gone since I became a mom and although it has been the hardest job I have ever done it is at the same time the best one, it makes me feel blessed and whole in myself, it's the best thing in the wide world.

So, I could advise you, I could say read that and read this...
But I think that for me the best advice I could give you is, to take a deep breath, listen your heart and do what you feel to do, you will never get wrong.

Yesterday enjoying the nice weather and the Mediterranean at Calella de Palafrugell.

And for today this is it, hope all you are having a good time, I don't know where my next post will be done and when, until then be very happy.

See you soon!

Lluisa xx

1 comment:

  1. Dear Lluisa
    Beautiful beautiful photos and in fact a very endearing post too. I totally agree with all you say here. It is what we are after all we are created to be mothers so once that wonderful event happens it just makes us feel right and so happy. We also get a second chance when we become grandmothers (as is my case) to recapture those special moments of having a baby in your arms once again and feeling it is a part of oneself. I pity those women who reject having children as I think it is our perfect natural state and brings fulfilment. It is also the building of a family and there is nothing more precious than that. Enjoy every minute you have with your little one .... children teach us so much!!!

    keep well

    Amanda x



There is millions of words written about love and so many different ways to love and be loved. .. so I am not gonna write about love,...