Monday, 8 December 2014


Hi there! How are you doing? Are you keeping warm? I hope you are, because the days around here are getting quite chilly.

The week is finished and besides planning our Christmas holidays with my family in Catalonia, another subject that has kept my head busy is the breastfeeding matter.

I breastfeed my daughter and I like it and love it because it was my decision since I knew I would be giving her the best thing you can give and because the bond between us it's just amazing. For me breastfeeding  it's the most natural thing in the world and it's a right for the mother and child and it shouldn't even be an issue for debate regarding wether it's ok to do it in a public place, I have seen comments around the net saying that mothers breastfeeding in public should have consideration but, consideration about what? Feeding a baby human being is something to be considered about?  I don't think so.

But there is a problem in our society and is that woman's body is over sexualised and considered as an item to be used for profit. And obviously if all the mothers would decide to breastfeed their babies, what would it happened with the pharmaceutical companies and the formula milk business? 

So yes this week my head has been busy thinking about that and the time that was somewhere else. ..

It was here, between yarn and needles trying to keep it secret, I don't know if the secret will be kept for so long, but I will try my best.

So for today the week is gone I'll be soon ready for bed and dreaming about the new week starting tomorrow.

I'll see you all soon!
Be happy and keep warm.


Lluisa xx


  1. I think whatever makes you happy and comfortable is the right thing.


  2. Yes Sue, thanks for your comment.

    Have a great week!!

    Lluisa xx

  3. I breastfed all of my babies, most until they were about three years of age so I have heard all kinds of comments. I am in the camp of following your heart and what is right for your family, I don't worry what others thing.
    Have a wonderful week.

    1. How nice and wonderful that you breastfed your babies. Yes I do follow my heart Tracey, I am still breastfeeding my girl (she is over 2 and a half) but due to some of the bad connotation about breastfeeding and a lack of information lots of mamas give up before even trying and that is very sad. I would just like that breastfeeding was something as normal as breathing it is :)

      Thanks for your comment!


      Lluisa xx

  4. Loving your thoughts on breastfeeding. While I do believe women have a choice, I don't think we are given enough support in this area, both from a professional and societal view.

    I breastfed my little man until he was 5.5 years, it was only earlier this year that he stopped, and the entire journey for us was beautiful, and ended when he was ready. I only have one child, so really had no idea how it would end, but is was slow, natural and beautiful, and I feel very grateful that we continued as long as we did. It is something I will never forget, and since he breastfed for so long, he won't forget it either.

    1. Lovely, the bond it's so special and unforgettable. I do respect every mother's choice, what I think it's unfair is the fact that any mother bottle feeding will never have a bad look while a breastfeeding mother at some point it probably will happen and that is unfair. ..

      But yes, it is a lovely journey so let's enjoy it!

      Many thanks for your comment!

      Lluisa xx

  5. Oh sweet friend!!! What a beautiful photo of you and your daughter...there is nothing more special or magical than breastfeeding. I miss it terribly and almost wish I would have recorded it so I could look back on those sweet memories. I am with you on our society over sexualizing women's bodies. Having 2 girls I take this very seriously. Thank you for shedding light on this topic and be well this week! Nicole xoxo

    1. Thanks Nicole!!
      I often think that if we keep doing what our hearts tell us soon or late there will be a change in our society, so let's keep feeding with love all of our days and maybe soon we will be able to see yhe change.

      And yes the journey of breastfeeding it really is lovely and special, and it will be always in your heart.
      HAve a great day!

      Lluisa xx

  6. Hi Lluisa,
    Coming from Norway this is very natural - it's part of raising your family in healthy loving way. I have a clan of four...all breastfed.
    It was a lovely, bonding time for us.

    Follow your heart and works for you- it's your family and no else's business but yours.

  7. I know everything is better in the nordic countries for mothers, we often talk about it with friends, is very nice when a society sees breastfeeding as part of life simple and natural.

    I do follow my heart and is true that my life is not other's people's business. But I know some young mamas which struggle breastfeeding and they don't find to much suport, and that is quite sad, so. .. anyway many thanks for your comment :)

    Lluisa xx



There is millions of words written about love and so many different ways to love and be loved. .. so I am not gonna write about love,...