Tuesday, 4 February 2014


Hi there lovely people!! How are you doing? How is the weather where you are? Here we have had a bit of wind, rain, sun... so, yesterday we took advantage of the sunny day we had and we spent a day out. I love mountains I don't know if it's because I have  always been around them or what, but they make me feel safer than flat places.

So, as we got up in the morning and we saw the bright light of the Sun, we decided to have a day out and my lovely man took us to  beautiful North Wales.

How beautiful is Mother Earth...breath taking...

I love rivers, they give me that feeling of flowing with the life that sometimes I lose.

What a lovely discovery!

It does amaze me, in the middle of the winter finding these very first signs of Spring, how lovely...

Daddy's girl...

How beautiful Nature is, we find ourselves in our right environment every time we are enjoying a walk, a landscape, listening the power of the river...we really feel Mother Earth as our Mother, the big one the one who nourish us in so many different ways. I can't understand why there are people so un-respectful towards the very thing that gives them existence.

So, this is the way I have started February, how about you?

Be very happy lovelies!!
See you all soon!


Lluisa xx

P.S. I am working on my very first giveaway. How excited!!!


  1. So beautiful photos!! and I'm totally with you on not understanding people being so disrespectful towards nature.... The weather here is really cold with some bits of sun, by the way. Have a wonderful February dear!

  2. Thanks for your comment!!
    Lovely February for you too!!



There is millions of words written about love and so many different ways to love and be loved. .. so I am not gonna write about love,...